
Donald Joseph Qualls - better called DJ Qualls - is a actor, model, and producer from the US. After gaining acclaim for his character as a character in Road Trip, he's appeared in more than 20 films. This includes The New Guy Hustle & Flow, The Core and The New Guy Hustle & Flow. Also, he's appeared on 22 shows on television, such as Breaking Bad Supernatural scrubs lost Law & Order and Law & Order, among other. Qualls who was diagnosed at 14 years old with Hodgkin lymphoma is an incredibly resilient fighter. His cancer was in remission after 2 years. The body of his was greatly damaged by the treatment and his development was slowed down. When he began acting, as if financial security was the ultimate goal since his experience with poverty had been a part of his childhood. He said, "I've been living so in a state of financial sanity for so long that I'm in need of money security or else the world can seem out of control for me." In a conversation the interviewer also talks about his childhood. He is determined to stop bullying. The cruelty he experiences breaks his heart. DJ's ideal job is be a father in reel, as well as in real life. However, he acknowledges that directors don't have me as a character. It's great to someday be the parent of his own child, at which point you can spend less time on career and spend more time with his children.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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